Wednesday, February 22, 2012


This week has been quite rough. I'm just getting over being sick with bronchitis and a chest infection. Now I'm feeling a whole lot better. I'm thankful that i am staying at someone's house rather than a farm or a hostel.
Those would be much worse scenarios. While I was sick and the family was off on holiday I remember laying in the bath before going to bed and just zoning out. Staring at the fake marble walls that surround the bathtub and noticing how the pattern perpetuated. I started seeing faces and figures within the marbleized print on the panels. I was relaxed and I could finally breath. This reminded me of how one looks up at the clouds and sees mysterious shapes and fantastical creatures. This made me smile.
Today is the one year anniversary of the famous Christchurch earthquakes and we all watched a documentary that showed the events, reactions and the aftermath of the disaster. 183 people died, 116 of which where all in one building. The CTV building. People where living in their backyards under tarps because they didn't want to take the chance of being in their house and having it collapse on them when another after shock came. Compared to Japan or Haiti, this was a minor disaster, but to be brought into the stories and lives of the people who where there, witnessed and lost loved ones in the quake makes it seem just as terrible. I'm glad I saw it because I was pretty oblivious to what really happened. All I had heard was that there was a big earthquake in New Zealand and I went on with my life, but after knowing that there are only 4.4 million people living here 183 all of a sudden becomes a really big number.
I'm really am grateful to be staying where I am with a family who is treating me really well, but damn am I bored. I want to get a move on as soon as I can and hang out with people my own age. I was feeling really homesick today, more than I ever have on my whole trip so far and I think that's why. I've been in Paekakariki for about two weeks now and I need to start traveling again. My next hopeful destination will be Picton or somewhere near there. Picton is where the ferry lands from Wellington. I'm going to try an find another farm to WWOOF at and meet some more people my own age.
Anyway sorry I haven't posted in a while, I guess I have been a bit lazy apart from the time that I was sick. I will try and post more frequently.
I'm checking out for tonight with hopes to have my spirit lifted in the near future and to keep having amazing experiences.

P.S. to anyone who's a Lord Of The Rings nerd this is a picture I took where they shot the seen of Gullem catching fish and singing in the forbidden pool in the second movie, or is it the third movie? I can't remember.

Location:Te Miti St,Paekakariki,New Zealand

Thursday, January 26, 2012

So I moved again

I left Taupo on the 25 and took the Kiwi bus to River Valley where I went on an awesome white water rafting trip. The next day I was off to Wellington the capital of New Zealand. Here I am staying two nights in a backpackers and then tomorrow I will take a train to a Wwoofing place not far from here called
Paekakariki. That's what up so far.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Courtenay Pl,Wellington,New Zealand

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I leave tomorrow

Today is Sunday. I leave Te Koha tomorrow and I'm a bit nervous about moving on, especially because I'm on my own. I feel like when I first arrived here in New Zealand I was pretty confident in myself because hadn't really pondered what was going to happen next, but now I have and I'm very uncomfortable about being on my own in a place I'm not accustom to.
Yesterday was filled with excitement.
First thing in the morning I had two chase two small pigs who had escaped their pen all around the apple orchard. Finding them was surprisingly the easy part. We finally herded them back to their pen and turned the electric fence on. The two pigs seamed to take no notice to the electrical current as they once again ran through the wires. We finally got them back into the pen and locked them in their shed. We then brought a bunch of apple bins and lined them up a long the fence so they wouldn't be able to escape.
Mean while the mother pig "copper," had just given birth to 14 little piglets three of which did not make it. But the remaining eleven where the cutest baby animals I have ever seen. They where all competing for breakfast as she panted heavily, exhausted from her birth.

After work I went to the beach with another wwoofer and we spent about 2 hours talking, making sand castles and playing cards over a couple of beers.

Then we drove home welcomed with a big pan of chili and this awesome sunset.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Te Mata Mangateretere Rd,Havelock North,New Zealand

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sorry for the wait

So I have finally finished the oven here on the farm and it looks awesome. I am very proud of myself for getting it done so fast. My Hosts are are also very happy with it as well. I had a pretty good New Years. I got my first hangover which sucked, but I soon drank some coke and I got over it in no time. I went to the beach for the first time in New Zealand and that was fun. I made a couple of sand art forms, but didn't go swimming because it was quite cold. Everything so far is sweet as. Almost every wwoofer is gone besides me and a Girl from Normandy. Other jobs I have been doing are weeding pumpkins, harvesting and cleaning garlic, picking raspberries, boysenberries, black currents and strawberries.

This was a f&$@ing massive fig!

Location:Te Mata Mangateretere Rd,Havelock North,New Zealand